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Copyright 2009 Diversified Plant Services. All rights reserved
"Solutions, not just services."
Safety Policy
Safety Manual
Safety & Health Policy Statement

The safety and health of our employees is the first consideration in operating this business.
Without question, it is every employee‘s responsibility at all levels. It is the intent of this Company to comply with all laws. To do this, we must constantly be aware of conditions in all work areas that can produce injuries. No employee is required to work at a job they know is not
safe or healthful. 
Prevention of occupationally-induced injuries and illnesses is of such consequence that it will be given precedence over operating productivity, whenever necessary. To the greatest degree possible, management will provide all mechanical and physical activities required for personal safety and health, in keeping with the highest standards. We will maintain an occupational safety and health program conforming to the best practices of organizations of this type.

Our health and safety program coordinator provides assistance for sight safety inspections and also for training the employees in the latest OSHA standards. Diversified Plant Services, Inc.  has a written safety program and an ongoing OSHA safety training that includes the standard 10 hour OSHA safety course. We also work with our customer specific needs for different safety environments

Our goal is zero accidents and injuries.

Our safety and health program includes:

  • Providing mechanical and physical safeguards to the maximum extent possible.
  • Conducting a program of safety and health inspections to find and eliminate unsafe working conditions or practices, to control health hazards, and to fully comply with OSHA safety and health standards for every job.
  • Training all employees in good safety and health practices.
  • Providing necessary personal protective equipment, and instructions for proper use and care.
  • Developing and enforcing safety and health rules, and requiring that employees cooperate with these rules as a condition of employment.
  • Investigating, promptly and thoroughly, every accident to find out what caused it, and correct the problem so it will not happen again.
  • Safe